Fleet composition strategy for food delivery companies

Pedro Poch, Ariana Bobarín, Andre Maggiotti
Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Our sponsor company, a food delivery company operating in an emerging market, aspires to double its revenue by 2030. Its delivery fleet’s current composition and occupation incur higher logistics costs than anticipated. Our capstone project employs clustering and continuous approximation methods to provide managerial insights to define the vehicle mix for efficient customer service.

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61 thoughts on “Fleet composition strategy for food delivery companies

  1. Impressive focus on optimizing delivery logistics! The use of clustering and continuous approximation methods to redefine the vehicle mix is a strategic move for achieving the company’s goal of doubling revenue by 2030. Great initiative!

  2. That’s a great opportunity to really impact positively both logistics segment companies and environment. Congratulations and keep it in action.

  3. Parabéns a todos os envolvidos. Orgulho demais pelo desempenho, foco, determinação e dedicação de vocês. Que seja o primeiro de muitas conquistas . Viiiiva! Uhuuu👏👏👏

  4. Congratulations to the team for a striking exhibition on the logistics of the delivery company.

    Your presentation was informative and detailed, impressively highlighting the industry’s challenges and solutions. Great job!!!!

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